Get Involved
Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is the beating heart of the community. A theatre, cinema, youth academy and community creative social place for all to enjoy.

If you have an interest in theatre, want to tread the boards or work front or back stage then why not become a Garrick volunteer ?
We are always looking for new talent (of any age) to work in all areas of the theatre – no experience is necessary as you will be given full training by our qualified staff.
We promise you that the satisfaction of a job well done will really surprise you, and you will make many new friends.
What else can I do to play my part?
Even if you are not able to spend the time time helping the theatre in a more active way (maybe work and other commitments mean that your time is at a premium), there other simple ways you can help your Garrick.
When you come and see a show, try to pick up a leaflet or A4 poster from the Box Office or in the Bar. You could display one in your local Library, office/place of work or even your local club or shop (please make sure you have permission to do so).
If you have enjoyed a show, tell your friends/colleagues – please spread the word about your theatre!
Find us on Social Media and tweet/post your thoughts.
This kind of help, however small, can make a huge difference to the theatre.
Thank you.