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Garrick Production

Little Gem

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Altrincham Garrick Studio

Trigger warning

Running time


Group bookings


Written by Elaine Murphy

Love, sex, birth, death and salsa classes. Three generations of women. One extraordinary year.

Happy-go-lucky Amber, fresh out of school, is high on life, double sambucas and boyfriend Paul. That is until the fierce indigestion starts. Lorraine attacks a customer and her boss wants her to see a psychiatrist. She is told to do one nice thing for herself each week, so she starts by signing up for Salsa classes. Meanwhile, Kay is finding life on the wrong side of sixty frustrating. Ailing husband Gem doesn’t like the neighbours coming in to “mind” him, and she’s missing more than just his conversation. And if all that wasn't bad enough, Little Gem makes his presence felt and – well – life is never the same again.

Elaine Murphy's play Little Gem was first staged by Guna Nua and Civic Theatre, Tallaght, in 2008, then at the Traverse Theatre, Edinburgh, in 2009. It won the Carol Tambor Best of Edinburgh Award, the BBC Northern Ireland Drama Award in Association with the Stewart Parker Trust, and the Fishamble Award for Best New Irish Writing.

Garrick Production

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Book Tickets

Wed 15 Oct




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Altrincham Garrick Playhouse,

Barrington Rd, Altrincham,

Cheshire WA14 1HZ

0161 928 1677

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