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Diana Provan (nee Harker)

Diana Provan (nee Harker)

Diana and her husband Joe joined the theatre in the early 1960s, and she soon proved her worth as a very talented actress. She presented many outstanding performances at the Garrick before moving on to professional theatre. She then returned to the Garrick some few years later to direct many of our plays, and once again her exceptional talent shone through with some wonderful productions.

Wonderfully imaginative, artistic, dedicated and with a refusal to accept nothing but the best, she became a much loved character at the Garrick. Many actors considered Diana as the best person they ever acted with or performed for.

Diana and Joe moved to their beloved Italy in the early 2000s when Joe retired, and lived there very happily, visited regularly by their children Jeremy, Julia and Nicholas and their respective families. Rick Bowen  wrote this Tribute to Diana in the Sale and Altrincham Messenger in March 2013.

Altrincham Garrick Playhouse,

Barrington Rd, Altrincham,

Cheshire WA14 1HZ


0161 928 1677

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Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is the Trading Name of Altrincham Garrick Society Limited, a Private Limited company by Guarantee reg no. 02899281 (England and Wales). Registered Charity no. 1034690. Registered Office: The Garrick Playhouse, Barrington Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1HZ

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