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Activities & Events

Febtastic - GAPA Half Term Drama Workshop (FRIDAY)

Date range


Age guidance

6 - 18 years


Rehearsal Room

Trigger warning

Running time

6 hours

Group bookings


Febtastic - The Garrick Academy of Performing Arts Half Term Drama Workshop.

Join us during this February half term holiday for a day or for the full week to enjoy theatrical fun: combining music, movement, monologues and much, much, more!

GAPA’s half term workshops encourage the participants to explore their creative side and promote teamwork in a safe and friendly environment. Students can learn drama skills, gain confidence and above all have fun!

- Students from 6-18 years will be expected to work together, as well as individually.

- Workshops start each day at 10.00am and finish at 4.00pm.

- Attendees are required to bring their own refreshments to see them through the day.

- Attendees are requested to wear clothes suitable for movement and appropriate footwear.

- Students will be required to read text unaided.

- £35 per day or book the whole week and receive a £25 discount.

- Once you have signed up, please click on the attachment in the email you receive. You will be provided with a link to complete a 'Registration Form'. This is required before your child can gain access to the workshop.

Activities & Events

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Book Tickets

Wed 15 Oct




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Altrincham Garrick Playhouse,

Barrington Rd, Altrincham,

Cheshire WA14 1HZ

0161 928 1677

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Altrincham Garrick Playhouse is the Trading Name of Altrincham Garrick Society Limited, a Private Limited company by Guarantee reg no. 02899281 (England and Wales). Registered Charity no. 1034690. Registered Office: The Garrick Playhouse, Barrington Road, Altrincham, Cheshire, WA14 1HZ

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